Virtual Voice

Virtual Voice

24th TDF: European Premiere

This is a satirical review of our times. Suzi doll is an ego-warrior. The director’s online avatar, marching to the algorithms of social media. She is lit by temporary outrage. A trending indignation. A passion that is fashion. The politics of the popular. Her activism is abstract. Her help is hypothetical. We know many girls like Suzi, and many times we are her: vacuous virtual voices, echoing injustices.

Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Available at the Agora Market.

Direction: Suzannah Mirghani
Script: Suzannah Mirghani
Cinematography: Suzannah Mirghani, Rodney Sharkey
Editing: Suzannah Mirghani, Socheat Cheng
Sound: Severin Favriau, Guillaume Moutardier
Producers: Suzannah Mirghani
Format: DCP
Color: Color
Production Country: Sudan, Qatar
Production Year: 2021

Suzannah Mirghani


2014 Hind’s Dream (short)
2016 Caravan (short)
2017 There be Dragons (short)
2020 Al-Sit (short)
2021 Virtual Voice (short)