An underground narrative has long been whispered among transgender men: after coming out as trans, many of us develop an attraction for other men. In this hybrid documentary, history comes alive when an Iranian-American transman time-travels on a dizzying quest to unravel his own sexual desires. As Ahmad approaches the age 60, his long-suppressed desires for other men become impossible to ignore. Having grown up in an era when homosexual activity could block one’s access to medical transition, he can’t help but wonder whether his sexuality and gender identity are completely at odds. He turns to the LGBTQI+ archives for answers, where he meets a 20-something trans archivist named Kieran. As Ahmad falls deeper into the archive, he is quite literally sucked into the text—becoming a time traveler who participates in the queer cruising history he reads about. This hybrid documentary is a tender love letter to the gay transmasculine community and the legacy that Lou Sullivan, and many unnamed others like him, left behind. This fictional narrative is interwoven with archival gems and a trove of contemporary oral histories from a diverse group of transmen across North America. These participants candidly discuss the evolution of their desires and illuminate their struggles with gender (non)conformity, fetishization, transphobia, sexual racism, and safer sex. Desire Lines pushes against binaries – fiction vs. non-fiction, reality vs. fantasy, public vs. private – to highlight the fallacy of “purity” that undergirds colonialist notions of discrete categories of being (or genre); embracing bewilderment as a liberatory strategy for trans representation.
Desire Lines
Desire Lines
26th TIDF: International Premiere

Screening Schedule
No physical screenings scheduled. |
- Direction: Jules Rosskam
- Script: Jules Rosskam
- Cinematography: Marie Hinson
- Editing: Jules Rosskam
- Sound: Melissa Dyne
- Production: Full Spectrum Features, MamSir Productions
- Producers: Jules Rosskam, André Pérez, Amy E. Powell, Brittani Ward
- Co-producers: Angie Gaffney
- Costumes: Sarah Albrech
- Production Design: Joseph Ravens
- Executive producer: Eugene Sun Park, Jason Matsumoto, Jennifer Reeder, AJ Escoffery, Jules Rosskam
- Sets: Erica Martens
- Format: DCP
- Color: Color
- Production Country: USA
- Production Year: 2024
- Duration: 83'
- Contact: The Film Collaborative
- Awards/Distinctions: NEXT Special Jury Award – Sundance FF 2024
Jules Rosskam
2005 transparent
2018 Paternal Rites
2019 Dance, Dance, Evolution (short)
2024 Desire Lines
2018 Paternal Rites
2019 Dance, Dance, Evolution (short)
2024 Desire Lines