It certainly comes as a surprise to find out that this seemingly abandoned corner lot on a noisy and crowded street of Alexandria is a breeding house of champions. As we follow the story of Zebiba, who is dubbed as the next big thing in Egypt’s glorious tradition in female weightlifting, we are ushered into an unseen world that remains ostracized from plain view. A tale of devotion and internal conflicts that reflects the unspoken aspects and contradictions of a perplexed society.
Lift Like a Girl
Ash Ya Captain
23rd TDF: Greek Premiere

Screening Schedule
No physical screenings scheduled. |
- Direction: Mayye Zayed
- Script: Mayye Zayed
- Cinematography: Mohamed El-Hadidi
- Editing: Sarah Abdallah
- Sound: Samir Nabil, Brian Dyrby, Kristoffer Salting
- Music: Marian Mentrup
- Production: Cleo Media, JYOTI Film, Rufy's Films
- Producers: Mayye Zayed
- Format: Digital File
- Color: Color
- Production Country: Denmark, Egypt, Germany
- Production Year: 2020
- Duration: 93'
- Contact: Cléo Media
- Awards/Distinctions: Bronze Pyramid - Cairo IFF 2020
Mayye Zayed
2013 The Mice Room (fiction, omnibus)
2016 A Stroll Down Sunflower Lane (fiction, short)
2020 Lift like a Girl
2016 A Stroll Down Sunflower Lane (fiction, short)
2020 Lift like a Girl