White Cube

White Cube

23rd TDF: Greek Premiere

Building a White Cube, an art museum, on a former Unilever plantation in Congo is a collaboration between a cooperative of plantation workers and Dutch artist Renzo Martens to jump-start a local economy. The plantation workers make sculptures that are reproduced in chocolate, and then successfully exhibited in New York. They use the profits from their art sales to buy back the land that was stolen from them and turn it into inclusive and ecological gardens.

Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Direction: Renzo Martens
Script: Renzo Martens
Cinematography: Renzo Martens, Dareck Tuba Hans Bouma, Martin Kramer, Daan Wallis, Remco Bikkers, Louise van Assche, Eric Vander Borght, Jean Counet, Deschamps Matala, Lisa Perez, Boaz van der Spek"
Editing: Boaz van der Spek, Eric Vander Borght. Jos de Putter, Jan de Coster
Sound: Papy Bambole-Kandole, Dareck Tuba, Philippe Benoit / Ranko Pauković (σχεδιασμός)
Production: Pieter van Huystee Film
Co-production: Inti Films
Narration: Renzo Martens, Irene Kane, Matthieu Kasiama, Rene Ngongo
Format: Digital File
Color: Color
Production Country: The Netherlands, Belgium, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Production Year: 2020
Duration: 79΄
Contact: FILMS TRANSIT INC, Jan Rofekamp, John Nadai

Renzo Martens


2020 White Cube