Monster in the Mind

A semi-satirical and often even funny film by a 84-year-old CNN veteran journalist, who decided to shoot her first feature for a good reason: Using herself as a guinea pig for high-tech testing and with top experts in the field as advisors, Jean Carper examines the irrational fear, drug failures, dangerous misconceptions and hidden facts about Alzheimer’s and science’s absolute failure to cure it. More than just a movie, it is a manifesto that urges changes in lifestyle as the “cure” for our socalled dementia epidemic.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Jean Carper
Cinematography: Ellen Kuras
Editing: Phyllis Housen, Christopher Radcliff
Producers: Jean Carper, Michelle Ngo (Associate), Ben Pegg (Assistant), Lee Koromvokis (Executive)
Format: Color
Production Country: USA
Production Year: 2016
Duration: 90
Contact: Films Transit
?Consulting Producer: Tilda Swinton

Jean Carper


2016 Monster in the Mind