Out of Competition >>Film Forward

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10 March 2022
10:00 Café de Kinema | Café de Kinema ONLINE
10:00 It’s Αll about Geography | It’s All about Geography ONLINE
10:00 Kicking the Clouds | Kicking the Clouds ONLINE
10:00 Adjusting | Adjusting ONLINE
11 March 2022
00:00 It’s Αll about Geography | It’s All about Geography ONLINE
00:00 Kicking the Clouds | Kicking the Clouds ONLINE
00:00 Adjusting | Adjusting ONLINE
00:00 Café de Kinema | Café de Kinema ONLINE
12 March 2022
00:00 Adjusting | Adjusting ONLINE
00:00 Café de Kinema | Café de Kinema ONLINE
00:00 It’s Αll about Geography | It’s All about Geography ONLINE
00:00 Kicking the Clouds | Kicking the Clouds ONLINE
14:30 It’s Αll about Geography | It’s All about Geography TONIA MARKETAKI
21:30 Kicking the Clouds | Kicking the Clouds PAVLOS ZANNAS
21:30 Iota Period Omega | Iota Teleia Omega PAVLOS ZANNAS
13 March 2022
00:00 Café de Kinema | Café de Kinema ONLINE
00:00 It’s Αll about Geography | It’s All about Geography ONLINE
00:00 Kicking the Clouds | Kicking the Clouds ONLINE
00:00 Adjusting | Adjusting ONLINE
10:00 Iota Period Omega | Iota Teleia Omega ONLINE
18:30 Café de Kinema | Café de Kinema PAVLOS ZANNAS
14 March 2022
00:00 It’s Αll about Geography | It’s All about Geography ONLINE
00:00 Kicking the Clouds | Kicking the Clouds ONLINE
00:00 Adjusting | Adjusting ONLINE
00:00 Iota Period Omega | Iota Teleia Omega ONLINE
00:00 Café de Kinema | Café de Kinema ONLINE
15 March 2022
00:00 Kicking the Clouds | Kicking the Clouds ONLINE
00:00 Adjusting | Adjusting ONLINE
00:00 Iota Period Omega | Iota Teleia Omega ONLINE
00:00 Café de Kinema | Café de Kinema ONLINE
00:00 It’s Αll about Geography | It’s All about Geography ONLINE
16 March 2022
00:00 Adjusting | Adjusting ONLINE
00:00 Iota Period Omega | Iota Teleia Omega ONLINE
00:00 Café de Kinema | Café de Kinema ONLINE
00:00 It’s Αll about Geography | It’s All about Geography ONLINE
00:00 Kicking the Clouds | Kicking the Clouds ONLINE
17:00 Adjusting | Adjusting STAVROS TORNES
17 March 2022
00:00 Café de Kinema | Café de Kinema ONLINE
00:00 It’s Αll about Geography | It’s All about Geography ONLINE
00:00 Kicking the Clouds | Kicking the Clouds ONLINE
00:00 Adjusting | Adjusting ONLINE
00:00 Iota Period Omega | Iota Teleia Omega ONLINE
18 March 2022
00:00 It’s Αll about Geography | It’s All about Geography ONLINE
00:00 Kicking the Clouds | Kicking the Clouds ONLINE
00:00 Adjusting | Adjusting ONLINE
00:00 Iota Period Omega | Iota Teleia Omega ONLINE
00:00 Café de Kinema | Café de Kinema ONLINE
19 March 2022
00:00 Kicking the Clouds | Kicking the Clouds ONLINE
00:00 Adjusting | Adjusting ONLINE
00:00 Iota Period Omega | Iota Teleia Omega ONLINE
00:00 Café de Kinema | Café de Kinema ONLINE
00:00 It’s Αll about Geography | It’s All about Geography ONLINE
20 March 2022
00:00 Iota Period Omega | Iota Teleia Omega ONLINE
00:00 Café de Kinema | Café de Kinema ONLINE
00:00 It’s Αll about Geography | It’s All about Geography ONLINE
00:00 Kicking the Clouds | Kicking the Clouds ONLINE
00:00 Adjusting | Adjusting ONLINE