Spotlight to Adrian Paci

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03 March 2023
21:00 Per Speculum | Per Speculum PAVLOS ZANNAS
21:00 The Column | The Column PAVLOS ZANNAS
21:00 Interregnum | Interregnum PAVLOS ZANNAS
21:00 Prova | Prova PAVLOS ZANNAS
21:00 Centro di Permanenza temporanea | Centro di Permanenza temporanea PAVLOS ZANNAS
21:00 Vajtojca | Vajtojca PAVLOS ZANNAS
21:00 Piktori | Piktori PAVLOS ZANNAS
21:00 Believe me I am an artist | Believe me I am an artist PAVLOS ZANNAS
21:00 Turn on | Turn on PAVLOS ZANNAS