The History of the Civil War

Istoriya Grazhdanskoy Voiny

24th TDF: Greek Premiere

At the beginning of his career, Dziga Vertov, the most famous director of documentary cinema in the world, made the epic documentary film devoted to the Civil War in Russia. 2022 marks 100 years since the end of the War, and this unseen masterpiece also reappears after being mysteriously lost for 100 years.

Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Available at the Agora Market.

Direction: Dziga Vertov, Nikolai Izvolov (restoration)
Script: Dziga Vertov
Sound: Roger Miller, Terry Donahue (The Anvil Orchestra)
Music: Roger Miller, Terry Donahue (The Anvil Orchestra)
Production: Grinberg Bros, Aerogroup
Producers: Konstantin Grinberg-Vertogradsky
Format: DCP
Color: B/W
Production Country: Russia
Production Year: 2021
Duration: 94΄
Contact: Aerogroup & Grinberg Brothers

Dziga Vertov


1918 Anniversary of the Revolution
1924 Kino Eye
1929 Man with a Movie Camera
1930 Enthusiasm
1934 Three Songs About Lenin
1941 Blood for Blood, Death for Death

Nikolai Izvolov


2018 Anniversary of the Revolution
2021 The History of the Civil War