Placebo: Alt.Russia

For the last two decades and since the release of their first studio album, Placebo are established around the world as icons of alternative music and of a dynamic non-mainstream culture that neglects gender, age or rage distinctions. However, when Placebo toured in ten cities throughout Russia, as they approached their 20th anniversary, they traced a truely meaningful alternative counter-culture that had nothing to do with music industry labels. In a universe parallel to an introvert regime that imposes outrageous restrictions to its artists and amid rapid political developments, Placebo guide us in the world of creation.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Charlie Targett-Adams
Cinematography: Charlie Targett-Adams
Editing: Jerry Chater
Sound: Placebo
Music: Placebo
Production: Riverman Management
Producers: Alex Weston
Narration: Stefan Olsdal
Format: Color
Production Country: UK
Production Year: 2016
Duration: 67
Contact: Rebekah Louisa Smith
Best Music Documentary – Doc’n’Roll FF 2016, UK
Grand Jury Prize – IAFOR Documentary Film Awards 2016

Charlie Targett-Adams


?2012 Placebo: Coming up for Air
2016 Placebo: Alt.Russia