
This is the story of Val and Clare: a mother and a daughter. After the tragic death of her eldest child, Val left her kids and family behind and escaped into the Colombian jungle. Only 11 at the time, Clare Weiskopf, the director of this film, couldn’t understand what her mother was looking for. Thirty years later, when she becomes pregnant, Clare decides to confront her mother. Together they go on an intimate journey exploring the boundaries between responsibility and freedom, with all the guilt and sacrifice they entail. What makes someone a good mother?
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Clare Weiskopf, Nicolas Van Hemelryck, Gustavo Vasco
Cinematography: Nicolas Van Hemelryck
Editing: Gustavo Vasco
Sound: Andres Silva
Music: Camilo Sanabria, Val
Production: Casa Tarantula
Producers: Clare Weiskopf, Nicolas Van Hemelryck
Format: Color
Production Country: Colombia
Production Year: 2016
Duration: 82
Contact: Cinephil

Clare Weiskopf


?2016 Amazona

Nicolas Van Hemelryck


2016 Amazona