Survey Expanded: Reflections of Topos

Total: Found results.

03 November 2023
14:00 A Short Trip | A Short Trip STAVROS TORNES
14:00 A Cup of Coffee and New Shoes On | Një filxhan kafe dhe këpucë të reja veshur STAVROS TORNES
16:00 Goodbye! (Rambo) | La Revedere (Rambo) JOHN CASSAVETES
16:00 Newsreel 63 – The Train of Shadows | Obzornik 63 – Vlak senc JOHN CASSAVETES
16:00 Dog Star Descending | Hundsstern steigt ab JOHN CASSAVETES
20:00 Neandria | Neandria STAVROS TORNES
04 November 2023
13:00 Neandria | Neandria TONIA MARKETAKI
17:00 I Want to Smash the Greenhouse | Vreau să sparg sera STAVROS TORNES
17:00 Cat Funeral | Pisică moartă STAVROS TORNES
17:00 The Silence of the Banana Trees | The Silence of the Banana Trees STAVROS TORNES
17:00 Flying Sheep | Ńeale Azbuirătoare STAVROS TORNES
20:00 A Short Trip | A Short Trip STAVROS TORNES
20:00 A Cup of Coffee and New Shoes On | Një filxhan kafe dhe këpucë të reja veshur STAVROS TORNES
23:00 Housekeeping for Beginners | Domakinstvo za pocetnici STAVROS TORNES
23:00 Are You a Man | Dali si Maž STAVROS TORNES
05 November 2023
20:30 Two Times Two | Two Times Two STAVROS TORNES
20:30 January | Yanuari STAVROS TORNES
23:30 Animalia | Animalia STAVROS TORNES
06 November 2023
14:00 After the Winter | Poslije zime FRIDA LIAPPA
23:00 Eeva | Eeva STAVROS TORNES
23:00 My Morning Laughter | Moj jutarnji smeh STAVROS TORNES
07 November 2023
22:00 Disco Boy | Disco Boy TONIA MARKETAKI
22:15 The Marriage | Martesa PAVLOS ZANNAS
22:15 Four Pills at Night | Four Pills at Night PAVLOS ZANNAS
23:00 Heavens | Daljine STAVROS TORNES
23:00 Yugoslavia, How Ideology Moved Our Collective Body | Yugoslavia, How Ideology Moved Our Collective Body STAVROS TORNES
08 November 2023
19:00 The Flag | Bayrak TONIA MARKETAKI
19:00 Heroes | Şehitler TONIA MARKETAKI
19:00 I, Soldier | Ben Askerim TONIA MARKETAKI
23:00 Are You a Man | Dali si Maž STAVROS TORNES
23:00 Housekeeping for Beginners | Domakinstvo za pocetnici STAVROS TORNES
09 November 2023
23:00 21 Days Until the End of the World | 21 Days Until the End of the World STAVROS TORNES
23:00 Animalia | Animalia MAKEDONIKON
11 November 2023
14:00 21 Days Until the End of the World | 21 Days Until the End of the World MAKEDONIKON
22:00 Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry | Shashvi shashvi maq'vali TONIA MARKETAKI
23:00 After the Winter | Poslije zime STAVROS TORNES