Tribute to Binka Zhelyazkova

A program that focuses on the significant legacy of the first Bulgarian woman director – an uncompromising auteur who fearlessly captured in her allegorical and urban dramas human rights, artistic freedom, and the legitimacy of the political system itself.

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04 November 2021
10:00 Life Flows Slowly By... | Zivotat Si Teche Tiho… ONLINE
10:00 The Tied-Up Balloon | Privarzaniyat Balon ONLINE
10:00 The Bright and Dark Side of Things | Litse I Opako ONLINE
10:00 Lullaby | Nani-Na ONLINE
10:00 We Were Young | A Biahme Mladi ONLINE
10:00 The Last Word | Oslednata Duma ONLINE
10:00 The Swimming Pool | Baseinat ONLINE
10:00 Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence | Binka: Da Raskazesh Prikazka Za Malchanieto ONLINE
10:00 The Big Night Bathe | Goliamoto Noshtno Kapane ONLINE
17:00 Life Flows Slowly By... | Zivotat Si Teche Tiho… PAVLOS ZANNAS
05 November 2021
00:00 We Were Young | A Biahme Mladi ONLINE
00:00 Lullaby | Nani-Na ONLINE
00:00 The Last Word | Oslednata Duma ONLINE
00:00 Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence | Binka: Da Raskazesh Prikazka Za Malchanieto ONLINE
00:00 The Swimming Pool | Baseinat ONLINE
00:00 The Big Night Bathe | Goliamoto Noshtno Kapane ONLINE
00:00 Life Flows Slowly By... | Zivotat Si Teche Tiho… ONLINE
00:00 The Tied-Up Balloon | Privarzaniyat Balon ONLINE
00:00 The Bright and Dark Side of Things | Litse I Opako ONLINE
13:00 Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence | Binka: Da Raskazesh Prikazka Za Malchanieto PAVLOS ZANNAS
13:00 Lullaby | Nani-Na PAVLOS ZANNAS
17:00 The Last Word | Oslednata Duma PAVLOS ZANNAS
06 November 2021
00:00 We Were Young | A Biahme Mladi ONLINE
00:00 Lullaby | Nani-Na ONLINE
00:00 The Last Word | Oslednata Duma ONLINE
00:00 Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence | Binka: Da Raskazesh Prikazka Za Malchanieto ONLINE
00:00 The Swimming Pool | Baseinat ONLINE
00:00 The Big Night Bathe | Goliamoto Noshtno Kapane ONLINE
00:00 Life Flows Slowly By... | Zivotat Si Teche Tiho… ONLINE
00:00 The Tied-Up Balloon | Privarzaniyat Balon ONLINE
00:00 The Bright and Dark Side of Things | Litse I Opako ONLINE
13:00 The Swimming Pool | Baseinat PAVLOS ZANNAS
07 November 2021
00:00 The Big Night Bathe | Goliamoto Noshtno Kapane ONLINE
00:00 Life Flows Slowly By... | Zivotat Si Teche Tiho… ONLINE
00:00 The Tied-Up Balloon | Privarzaniyat Balon ONLINE
00:00 The Bright and Dark Side of Things | Litse I Opako ONLINE
00:00 We Were Young | A Biahme Mladi ONLINE
00:00 Lullaby | Nani-Na ONLINE
00:00 The Last Word | Oslednata Duma ONLINE
00:00 Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence | Binka: Da Raskazesh Prikazka Za Malchanieto ONLINE
00:00 The Swimming Pool | Baseinat ONLINE
08 November 2021
00:00 Life Flows Slowly By... | Zivotat Si Teche Tiho… ONLINE
00:00 The Tied-Up Balloon | Privarzaniyat Balon ONLINE
00:00 The Bright and Dark Side of Things | Litse I Opako ONLINE
00:00 We Were Young | A Biahme Mladi ONLINE
00:00 Lullaby | Nani-Na ONLINE
00:00 The Last Word | Oslednata Duma ONLINE
00:00 Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence | Binka: Da Raskazesh Prikazka Za Malchanieto ONLINE
00:00 The Swimming Pool | Baseinat ONLINE
00:00 The Big Night Bathe | Goliamoto Noshtno Kapane ONLINE
12:30 The Big Night Bathe | Goliamoto Noshtno Kapane PAVLOS ZANNAS
09 November 2021
00:00 We Were Young | A Biahme Mladi ONLINE
00:00 Lullaby | Nani-Na ONLINE
00:00 The Last Word | Oslednata Duma ONLINE
00:00 Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence | Binka: Da Raskazesh Prikazka Za Malchanieto ONLINE
00:00 The Swimming Pool | Baseinat ONLINE
00:00 The Big Night Bathe | Goliamoto Noshtno Kapane ONLINE
00:00 Life Flows Slowly By... | Zivotat Si Teche Tiho… ONLINE
00:00 The Tied-Up Balloon | Privarzaniyat Balon ONLINE
00:00 The Bright and Dark Side of Things | Litse I Opako ONLINE
10 November 2021
00:00 Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence | Binka: Da Raskazesh Prikazka Za Malchanieto ONLINE
00:00 The Swimming Pool | Baseinat ONLINE
00:00 The Big Night Bathe | Goliamoto Noshtno Kapane ONLINE
00:00 Life Flows Slowly By... | Zivotat Si Teche Tiho… ONLINE
00:00 The Tied-Up Balloon | Privarzaniyat Balon ONLINE
00:00 The Bright and Dark Side of Things | Litse I Opako ONLINE
00:00 Lullaby | Nani-Na ONLINE
00:00 We Were Young | A Biahme Mladi ONLINE
00:00 The Last Word | Oslednata Duma ONLINE
21:00 We Were Young | A Biahme Mladi PAVLOS ZANNAS
11 November 2021
00:00 The Tied-Up Balloon | Privarzaniyat Balon ONLINE
00:00 Life Flows Slowly By... | Zivotat Si Teche Tiho… ONLINE
00:00 The Bright and Dark Side of Things | Litse I Opako ONLINE
00:00 Lullaby | Nani-Na ONLINE
00:00 We Were Young | A Biahme Mladi ONLINE
00:00 The Last Word | Oslednata Duma ONLINE
00:00 Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence | Binka: Da Raskazesh Prikazka Za Malchanieto ONLINE
00:00 The Swimming Pool | Baseinat ONLINE
00:00 The Big Night Bathe | Goliamoto Noshtno Kapane ONLINE
22:00 The Tied-Up Balloon | Privarzaniyat Balon STAVROS TORNES
12 November 2021
00:00 Lullaby | Nani-Na ONLINE
00:00 We Were Young | A Biahme Mladi ONLINE
00:00 The Last Word | Oslednata Duma ONLINE
00:00 Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence | Binka: Da Raskazesh Prikazka Za Malchanieto ONLINE
00:00 The Swimming Pool | Baseinat ONLINE
00:00 The Big Night Bathe | Goliamoto Noshtno Kapane ONLINE
00:00 The Tied-Up Balloon | Privarzaniyat Balon ONLINE
00:00 Life Flows Slowly By... | Zivotat Si Teche Tiho… ONLINE
00:00 The Bright and Dark Side of Things | Litse I Opako ONLINE
14:30 The Bright and Dark Side of Things | Litse I Opako PAVLOS ZANNAS
13 November 2021
00:00 Lullaby | Nani-Na ONLINE
00:00 We Were Young | A Biahme Mladi ONLINE
00:00 The Last Word | Oslednata Duma ONLINE
00:00 Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence | Binka: Da Raskazesh Prikazka Za Malchanieto ONLINE
00:00 The Swimming Pool | Baseinat ONLINE
00:00 The Big Night Bathe | Goliamoto Noshtno Kapane ONLINE
00:00 The Tied-Up Balloon | Privarzaniyat Balon ONLINE
00:00 Life Flows Slowly By... | Zivotat Si Teche Tiho… ONLINE
00:00 The Bright and Dark Side of Things | Litse I Opako ONLINE
14 November 2021
00:00 Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence | Binka: Da Raskazesh Prikazka Za Malchanieto ONLINE
00:00 The Swimming Pool | Baseinat ONLINE
00:00 The Big Night Bathe | Goliamoto Noshtno Kapane ONLINE
00:00 The Tied-Up Balloon | Privarzaniyat Balon ONLINE
00:00 Life Flows Slowly By... | Zivotat Si Teche Tiho… ONLINE
00:00 The Bright and Dark Side of Things | Litse I Opako ONLINE
00:00 Lullaby | Nani-Na ONLINE
00:00 We Were Young | A Biahme Mladi ONLINE
00:00 The Last Word | Oslednata Duma ONLINE