Meet the Industry: Open call

Meet the Industry: Open call

Presentation by Film Office-Region of Central Macedonia - Greece


TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 19:00 - 20:00 EET

Meet the Industry: Open call

Onsite @ Agora Terrace // livestream @ MYAGORA and at the Festival’s YouTube channel (

Presentation by Film Office-Region of Central Macedonia – Greece


The first public invitation to the professionals of Central Macedonia, directly and indirectly involved in audiovisual productions, is addressed by the Film Office of the Region of Central Macedonia, in the context of the Agora Docs of the 23rd Thessaloniki Documentary Festival (June 24 - July 4, 2021). The Film Office organizes "Meet the Industry", an event for professionals, in collaboration with the Thessaloniki Film Festival, on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, at 19.00 EET, in the Agora Terrace at the former nursery school at the Pier A, Port of Thessaloniki.


The services of the Film Office of the Region of Central Macedonia will be presented to the interested parties, as well as the conditions for their registration in the register of professionals of Central Macedonia (Industry Guide). The register’s goal is to record and utilize professionals in the region who are active in the field of audiovisual production, but also in many other sectors of the economy indirectly involved with audiovisual production (hotels, restaurants, transport, etc.).


Speakers: Apostolos Tzitzikostas (Regional Governor of Central Macedonia): Welcome Speech | Alexandros Thanos (Head of Tourism Sector - Region of Central Macedonia): Introductory Speech | Angeliki-Lina Milonaki (Head of Film Office-Region of Central Macedonia): The Film Office - Central Macedonia: How we Best Support Audiovisual Productions in our Region | Dionysia Arvanitou (Production Support Advisor & Project Coordinator - Film Office-Region of Central Macedonia): Not Another Industry Guide: Building Regional Networks in Audiovisual Productions

The discussion will be moderated by TDF’s artistic director, Orestis Andreadakis.


The event will be livestreamed through the Festival’s YouTube channel ( and in My Agora website for accredited Agora Docs guests.