We explore the world of podcasts through a new section in the 23rd TDF

We explore the world of podcasts through a new section in the 23rd TDF


Dynamic and innovative, the 23rd Thessaloniki Documentary Festival returns, fully adapted to the conditions created by the pandemic, with the need to explore new ways of expression. The TDF will present a new section, dedicated to podcasts, the digital files that have taken the world by storm.


New podcast section


The Thessaloniki Documentary Festival is one of the first, after the festivals of Tribeca and Austin, to explore the thrilling world of podcasts. Among thousands of podcasts the Festival will try to discover those that challenge the limits of art, that follow the tempo of cinema by using voice, speech and music.


Workshops and masterclass: In March, the Festival will host a series of online workshops for people that want to work professionally with podcasts. The workshops will offer tools and expertise on the genres and structure of podcasts. Meanwhile, an online masterclass will reveal the secrets of podcasts and will be open to the public.


Festival podcasts: The Festival will create unexpected podcasts, related to themes, people, moments from the 23rd TDF. We will have the chance to enjoy them in the summer, from June 24 to July 4.


Open call: After the completion of the workshops in March, the Festival will make an open call to creators from Greece and abroad to submit their podcasts, based on specifications that will be announced then. The best podcasts will be selected and presented during the summer through the Festival’s digital channels.


Podcast for children: The world of podcasts will be explored by children, who will be invited to create their own recording.


Teaser podcast: Get a small taste of what podcasts are, through our teaser podcast. The podcast reveals the reasons behind the Festival’s decision to embrace this form of expression and recognize its relevance to the art of documentary. You can listen the teaser podcast (edited by journalist Nikos Zachariadis) here:


More actions, tributes and films from the 23rd Thessaloniki Documentary Festival will be announced soon.