Russian avant-garde: Rewriting History

  1. Arsenal
    Aleksandr Dovzhenko 1929
  2. Chelovek s kino-apparatom / Man with a Movie Camera
    Dziga Vertov 1928
  3. Konets Sankt-Peterburga / The End of St. Petersburg
    Vsevolod Pudovkin 1927
  4. Stachka / Strike
    Sergei M. Eisenstein 1924
07 October 2018
19:30 Konets Sankt-Peterburga / The End of St. Petersburg STAVROS TORNES
21:00 Chelovek s kino-apparatom / Man with a Movie Camera STAVROS TORNES
08 October 2018
21:00 Stachka / Strike STAVROS TORNES
09 October 2018
21:00 Arsenal STAVROS TORNES