Lili Marleen

1938. Willie and Robert are in love: She is a minor German singer who appears in a Zurich nightclub and waits for her big break. He is son of a rich Jewish family. Robert’s father is an influential lawyer and director of a Jewish refugee organization who tries hard to prevent Willie’s return to Switzerland. World events drive the two further and further apart. When war breaks out, their connection seems completely severed. But Willie is fortunate. A song she recorded some time before, and which seemed forgotten, is aired by the military broadcasting station in Belgrade, pervading the solitude of the soldiers. The song will outlast the war, but love will not.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Manfred Purzer
Cinematography: Xaver Schwarzenberger
Editing: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Juliane Maria Lorenz
Music: Norbert Schultze, Peer Raben
Actors: Hanna Schygulla (Willie Bunterberg), Giancarlo Giannini(Robert Mendelssohn), Udo Kier (Werner Drewitz)
Production: Rialto Film Preben Philipsen GmbH & KG & Roxy Film GmbH &Bayerischer Rundfunk & CIP Filmproduktionsge sellschaft (Germany)
Producers: Luggi Waldleitner
Art Direction: Rolf Zehetbauer
Costumes: Barbara Baum
Format: 35mm Color-B&W
Production Country: FR Germany
Production Year: 1980
Duration: 120

Rainer Werner Fassbinder