
A suitcase full of Cinema, the CineValise kicks off its journey from the Thessaloniki Cinema Museum, heading to elementary schools all over Greece, inviting children and teachers to grasp the history and the magic of cinema, through fun-filled activities and creative games.


Once upon a time there was a frame…
We open up the CineValise and run through the history of cinema: starting from the afterimage, the human ability to capture the images passing before our eyes, all the way to the illusion of movement created by the mechanical visual games of the 18th and the 19th century. Through the thaumatrope, the zoetrope, the stereoscope, the praxinoscope, we take a glance at the forerunners of today’s animation.

Let’s cross swords in “Film Duels”
We open up the CineValise once again to pull out “Film Duels”, a fascinating board game. The rules are quite simple: We choose our favorite movie and we sit back and enjoy it, engaging on an adventurous battle. We split up in teams, taking up the challenge of answering movie-themed questions pertaining to the characters, the screenplay, the location, the camera, the sounds and the colors!


Look at these images: they are moving!
“Film Dules” pass on the torch to the production stage, as we explore the Zu3d animation set (animation kit software), full of fine thingies, delving into the adventurous world of animation. We write the script, we shape our own characters out of play dough or clay, we experiment with the visual (green screen) and sound effects techniques. We take delight into our self-made animation!


For more information concerning the CineValise of the Thessaloniki Cinema Museum, you can reach us at 2310378570 by phone or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by email.