10th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival –
Images of the 21st Century
March 7-16, 2008


The journalist Sotiris Danezis gave a press conference on Thursday, March 13, at the Olympion’s “Green Room”, as part of the 10th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival. He spoke about the goals of the series “War Zone” and the difficulties in making a documentary.

Sotirs Danezis was welcomed by Dimitri Eipides, Artistic Director of the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival. “We have an important Greek journalist with us, whose work influences a wide audience. Learning about the problems he explores, we react and become more active citizens”, Mr. Eipides noted.

Then Sotiris Danezis thanked Mr. Eipides and noted that there is a large team of people who want to highlight international problems behind the series. “Research lasts for months, the budget is tight and we don’t have the luxury of visiting a country two or three times. Shooting lasts 20 days at most, so we work the structure very hard, from the beginning to the end”, Mr. Danezis said. He then explained that he considers himself lucky to have the freedom that Mega channel gives them to deal with subjects that interest them: “We never had any pressure put on us regarding ratings, whatever those are. It’s important that we have a medium to show our work. If at the end of every episode we have provoked a discussion, we have made even one person think, we have gained a great deal. The world doesn’t change from one day to the next, by a television product, one documentary, but gradually. We hope what we show makes some impression”, the journalist noted.

When asked what the difference is between a War Zone documentary and television reportage, he answered: “In reportage, there is never enough time. You can’t focus on the details, on the personal stories, because you have to be objective. In War Zone, many times our point of view is crystal clear from the beginning, and the commentary is obvious. A commentary that can even be expressed through silence”.