Márta, a 40-year-old neurosurgeon, abandons her promising career in the US to unite with the love of her life in Budapest. However, a shattering shock is in store for her, as her “soul mate” has no recollection of even meeting her. Is love actually a verifiable feeling or just a mere projection of our inner fantasies? A journey into the uncharted territory of desire that defers only to its own set of laws
Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time
Felkészülés Meghatározatlan Ideig Tartó Együttlétre
61st TIFF: Greek premiere

Screening Schedule
No physical screenings scheduled. |
- Direction: Lili Horvát
- Script: Lili Horvát
- Cinematography: Róbert Maly
- Editing: Károly Szalai
- Sound: Rudolf Várhegyi
- Music: Gábor Keresztes
- Actors: Natasa Stork, Viktor Bodó, Benett Vilmányi
- Production: Poste Restante
- Producers: Péter Miskolczi, Dóra Csernátony, Lili Horvát
- Format: DCP
- Color: Color
- Production Country: Hungary
- Production Year: 2020
- Duration: 95΄
- Contact: Klaudia Androsovits klaudia.androsovits@nfi.hu
Lili Horvát
Lili Horvát (b. 1982) was born and grew up in Budapest. She studied Audiovisual Arts at the Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris, Film Directing at the University of Theater and Film in Budapest. The Wednesday Child, Lili’s first feature, won the East of the West competition at Karlovy Vary 2015. Following its successful debut, the film received top prizes and critics’ awards around the world. Preparations to be Together for an Unknown Period of Time is Lili’s second feature.
2015 The Wednesday Child | Szerdai gyerek
2020 Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time | Felkészülés meghatározatlan ideig tartó együttlétre
2020 Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time | Felkészülés meghatározatlan ideig tartó együttlétre